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Integrating with CleanCloud API and Webhooks
Integrating with CleanCloud API and Webhooks

Learn how to integrate custom apps with CleanCloud using API and webhooks for efficient order management and real-time updates.

Rafael avatar
Written by Rafael
Updated over a week ago

API Integration

If you have a separate app or web ordering tool, you can integrate it with CleanCloud POS using CleanCloud's API. The API can also be used for custom reporting and hardware integration.

If you are using CleanCloud's pickup and delivery apps, the API isn't required as orders automatically sync with your CleanCloud account.

For detailed instructions, access the API documentation at

Grow and Grow+ customers can find their API keys in Settings → Admin → Pickup and Delivery → API.

Increasing API Limit

The API allows 50,000 requests per month, with a maximum of 5 requests per second. CleanCloud offers additional API bundles for purchase. Each group of 25,000 requests per month costs $15.00 (USD/GBP/EUR).

Monitor your API requests in Settings → Admin → Pickup and Delivery → API Usage.

💬 Contact the Support Team if you need to increase the API limit for your account.


Webhooks are ideal for sending immediate updates about customers or orders to an external API endpoint. This is useful for integrating external marketing or pickup tools that require up-to-date information.

CleanCloud offers 8 webhooks, pinging an external URL for the following events:

  • order.created (In Store Orders)

  • order.created (Pickup and Delivery Orders)

  • order.status_changed

  • order.pickup_rescheduled

  • order.delivery_rescheduled

  • order.deleted

  • customer.created

  • customer.updated

Navigate to Settings → Admin → Pickup and Delivery → API → Webhooks to add your Webhook URL and select the events you want to trigger.

⚡ API & Webhook support is exclusively available for Grow and Grow+ customers. Upgrade your plan today to access these and other powerful features.

💡 Need more help?

Explore our Help Center articles for answers. Contact us for further assistance.

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