Customer Database Import
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

You have the ability to import a database of customers to your CleanCloud account.

To do this, follow the steps below:

1. Ensure you're logged into your CleanCloud account, then replace the URL with the link below:

2. Once you're on the import tool, locate the customer import section.


3. Download the template file, you'll see this in blue writing.

4. Open up a new Google Sheet or Excel spreadsheet. Then go to File > Import, and select the template file you just downloaded.


5. You'll need to input your customers. You can upload the import if the file just contained names, but ideally, you can also input the customer's contact details and address if needs be.

6. Once you have inputted the relevant info relating to this import, you will then need to download this file in a CSV format by going to File > Download > Comma Separated Values (.csv).

7. Then go back to the importing tool where you'll then need to import this file and click on the green submit button. Before clicking on the green submit button, you have the option to delete all existing customers within your account.

๐Ÿ’ก Need more help?

If you request assistance with your database import, then please contact [email protected]. This is a paid service however it is highly recommended as we can ensure that the database has been uploaded properly.

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