Quick Drop / Fast Orders
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

During busy periods for your staff members, they can take advantage of the Quick Drop feature in CleanCloud. Minimising the time taken and information input in order to create an order. Once this has been created staff members can then edit the order at a later time.

The quick drop feature can be particular helpful if you also use our detailing page. For more information, click on this link (here).

To use the Quick Drop feature, follow the below instructions:

Activate Quick Drop

1. Go to Settings > Admin > Workflow > General Settings

2. Scroll down to 'Enable Quick Drop Feature'

3. Press Update

*This feature should already be activated unless you have previously switched it off*


Processing a Quick Drop Order

1. On the New Order Page, input the customer details

2. At the bottom of the page, enter the number of pieces the customer is dropping you by entering the number where it says 'Quick Drop' or use the + function


3. Press 'Submit' and a receipt will print out stating the number of pieces the customer has left.

4. Once your staff member has a chance, they can then go in and edit the order on the Clean Page.

The customers receipt look like the below image when you process a quick drop:

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