Add Staff Accounts for the Plant
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

To add staff accounts to the plant, you will need to ensure that 'Plant' mode is activated.

To activate the plant mode, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you’re logged in to your CleanCloud account, then go to Settings > Admin > Plant Mode

  2. Click on ‘General Settings’ from the menu on the left.

  3. Ensure that the ‘activate plant mode’ option is highlighted, and then click on the green update button.


To add staff accounts to the plant, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Settings > Users.

2. Then click on the blue ‘add user’ button.


3. When adding the staff account, ensure that you select one of the plant access modes as the ‘access mode’ - plant only or store and plant depending on the staff’s role.


4. Lastly, click on the green ‘add user’ button at the bottom.

Please note: You can always edit the access mode for users from the user page.

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