It is fast and easy to assign a barcode to a garment from the New Order page. Please see two different methods below.
Method 1: Require Heat Seal Option
If you have an item that will always require a heat seal, you can have the system display a pop-up when you click on a specific product which will prompt the user to assign a heat seal to a garment. The user would scan the heat seal barcode once this pop up appears, then detail any additional information about the garment.
This pop up will look like the below image:
To get this set up, follow these steps
Go to Settings > Products.
Click on 'Add Product' or click on the edit pencil next to an existing product.
Tick the 'Require' box under 'Require Heat Seal' and click update.
Please note: if the user didn't want to assign a heat seal to this product that had the required heat seal option enabled, then they can click on the 'Skip Until Next Order' button at the bottom of the pop-up.
Method 2: Edit Item Notes Page
An alternative method to the require heat seal option. You would select the products from the new order page, and then follow steps below. You can also do this from the Detailing and Cleaning page by editing the order.
Click on the edit pencil icon on the middle of any item in the basket.
Click on show all items
Click on the first ID box
Scan the first heat seal to assign it to the garment.
The system will recognise if this barcode has been previously registered or not. If it has been, the 'New' checkbox will not be ticked. On the other hand, if it is a new heat seal the checkbox will be ticked automatically.
Once you have scanned a heat seal in this section, the system will prompt you to scan the next heat seal.
Once the above has been completed for all of the heat seal items and you have registered the relevant information for each of these, you can submit the order.