Repeat Pickup and Delivery
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to create repeated pickups and deliveries for your customers.

Create a Repeat Pickup

You can also allow customers to schedule repeated pickups directly from their online booking tools from Settings > Admin > Pickup & Delivery > Pickup / Delivery Options > Let Customers Book Repeat Pickup Orders.

You can also do this from the New Order Page:

1. Go to the New Order page

2. Click on the clock icon next to the 'Submit' button

3. From the drop down select 'Pickup and Delivery'

4. After you have selected 'Pickup and Delivery' you will need to select 'Repeat' and then enter the number of pickups and the pickup frequency. You can also select a repeat delivery date and time slot if you wish.

5. You can select the times from the dropdown and the dates using the calendar just below. Green will be for the pickup and blue will be for delivery. Once the information has been filled in, press 'Submit' to create the repeat pickup and delivery.

Delivery Printout

You will be able to view all your repeated pickups from the delivery printout that you can access on the pickup and ready page or via this link >

Cancel a Repeat Pickup

You will be able to cancel repeat pickups from the delivery printout page.
Customers will be notified by email with the reason why you cancelled the recurring pickup.

Pickup Frequency

If you wish to create repeated pickups more frequent than once a week, you will have to create several repeated pickup orders and choose the pickup day for different days of the week.

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