Assigning a Price List to a Customer or Order

Assign custom price lists to customers or orders for accurate pricing. Customize preferences for in-store and pickup and delivery orders.

Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

Price lists can be customized and applied to specific customers or orders via the POS for seamless pricing management.

Assigning a Price List to a Customer

  1. After creating a custom price list, edit the customer's account.

  2. In the customer's profile, select the desired price list from the dropdown menu.

  3. The assigned price list will be automatically applied to the customer's future orders.

Assigning a Price List to an Order

  1. While creating a new order, access the price list box - typically labelled as 'Default Prices'.

  2. Select the appropriate price list from the dropdown menu.

Note: This selection applies only to this specific order and does not link to the customer's account.

Price Lists for Pickup and Delivery Orders

If your store offers pickup and delivery services and you have multiple price lists assigned to different factors or routes, you'll need to enable a specific setting to ensure that orders created in the POS reflect the pricing automation you've set for your pickup and delivery preferences.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Admin > Pickup and Delivery > General Settings.

  2. Toggle on the option 'Allow Customers With Custom Price Lists to use them for Pickup and Delivery Orders'.

With this setting enabled, the POS will apply the correct price list to both in-store and pickup/delivery orders automatically.

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