Customer CRM

Manage and view your customer details in the CRM page. Monitor orders, stats, payments, messages, pickups, subscriptions, photos, and more.

Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated yesterday

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) page is where you can easily manage and view all details related to your customers, including their orders, stats, payments, messages, pickups, subscriptions, photos, and more.

Accessing the CRM

To access the CRM page, follow these simple steps:

1. Navigate to the New Order page.

2. In the top right corner, search for the customer you wish to manage.

3. Click on the blue profile button next to their name to open their CRM.

CRM Overview

Here's a breakdown of its key features:

1. Orders

See all the active and processed orders for the selected customer.

2. Stats

Access metric data for the customer and Redeem Loyalty Points if configured. You can also Request Review and Print Barcode from this section.

3. Edit Customer

Update the customer's contact and personal details, address, customer ID, price lists, order preferences, payment information, and more.

4. Payments

View all payments made by the customer, including order ID and payment type.

5. Messages

This is your primary way to communicate to your customers. Send and receive SMS, email, push, and WhatsApp messages. If you have a custom phone number assigned to your store, you can engage in SMS two-way conversations.

Internal Notes: Add private notes visible only internally. They're highlighted in yellow and won't be seen by customers. This feature is also available in the Driver App.

6. Pickups

Available with a Pro subscription plan or higher. Access regular, active, or recent pickups and set up recurring pickups.

7. Subscription

Also available with a Pro subscription plan or higher. Add or cancel customer subscriptions.

8. Photos

View and upload images related to customer orders or profiles.

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