Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

You can add your own custom preferences for online and in store orders so you can tailor them to your business.

To enable preferences for your online customers:

  1. Go to Settings > Admin > Pickup and Delivery > General Settings.

  2. Enable the preferences in which you would like to ask the customer when they sign up online with you.

  3. Click on the green submit button to save any changes.

To edit any of the preferences and their options:

  1. Go to Settings > Products > Preferences.

  2. Select the preference you wish to change. If you would like to change the preference itself, then you can establish this in the 'section' name.

  3. You can then add or delete the options listed for the preference.


To add or edit a preference for a customer in the POS:

  1. Go to the New Order page.

  2. If you wish to edit a preference, then select the customer and click on the edit pencil icon. As soon as you have done this, you'll be able to edit details relating to this customer.

  3. If you wish to add a preference to a new customer, then click on the blue plus symbol to add the customer and state their preferences.

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