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Product and Section Discount Rules
Product and Section Discount Rules

Learn how to apply discounts to specific sections or products within the POS.

Rafael avatar
Written by Rafael
Updated over a week ago

Applying discounts to specific sections or products within the POS is a great way to manage promotions and incentivise sales. Follow these steps to create and manage discount rules effectively.

How to Create a New Rule

  1. Go to Settings β†’ Admin β†’ Discounts & Promos β†’ Product Discount Rules.

  2. Click on Add New Rule.

  3. Set Rule Details:

    1. Campaign Name: Give your discount campaign a name.

    2. Discount: Define the type of discount. Options include per-item quantity, one-time discount, one-time discount per quantity threshold, or percentage discount.

    3. Minimum Product Quantity: Set the minimum quantity required for the discount to apply. Choose between Apply Discount to All Items Added To Basket or Apply Discount Only For Items Above Minimum Quantity.

    4. Scope: Options include Exclude Business Accounts, Exclude Pickup & Delivery Orders, and Allow Order Level Discounts.

    5. Date Range: Set the start and end date for the discount campaign.

    6. Time Range: Choose between All Day or a custom time range. If All Day is selected, it will override any custom time range.

    7. Day Deal: Activate this to apply the discount only on selected days within the date range.

    8. Products and Stores: Select the specific products and stores where the discount will be applied.

  4. Click Submit to save your changes.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • You can create multiple rules and manage them on the Product Discount Rules page.

  • Once a rule is set, it cannot be edited. You can only delete it or create a new one.

  • The product discount rules description will appear on both digital and physical receipts.

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