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Laundry Bags In Tags
Laundry Bags In Tags
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

If you run a laundromat or wash and fold service, you can have laundry bag tags print which you can print from the New Order page to attach to the relevant laundry bags. This will mean your staff members can easily identify which order and which customer the laundry bag belongs to.

What does this type of tag look like?

A Laundry Bag tag will contain the customer's name, order ID, bag count, order due date, the weight of the laundry bag, order notes and a barcode (if applied from Settings > Hardware).


To print this type of tag, we recommend using any of our compatible receipt printers such as Epson TM-T20III USB or Star TSP100 USB.

If you would like to purchase one of these printers, please consult this article: Recommended Hardware


  1. Create an order from the New Order page by selecting a weight product such as laundry per pound for example.

  2. You can click on "Next Bag" if you have multiple bags of laundry to weigh.

  3. Once you have inputted the relevant amount of bags and submitted the order, the labels will print automatically. If you need to re-print the labels manually, then you can do this by editing the order from the detailing, cleaning or ready page.

  4. When you scan the barcode, the system will mark the order as cleaned. If you click on the search tool at the top right of the screen and scan the order, the system will do a search and highlight the order in green for you.

Additional Information

  • To enable these types of labels to print, go to Settings > Hardware > Receipt Printer, and enable the 'Auto Print Laundry Bag Tags' option.

  • If you would like the bag and piece count always visible on the New Order page, then go to Settings > Admin > New Order Page, and enable the 'Show Always Visible Pieces & Bags Counter' option.

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