Gift Cards Guide

Learn how to create both digital and physical gift cards for your store, and navigate the process once they are available for purchase.

Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

🎁 Welcome to CleanCloud's Gift Cards feature

Easily create and manage both digital and physical gift cards to boost your sales. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up, sell, and track them.

Creating Gift Card Products

  1. Navigate to Settings > Products page.

  2. Click 'Add Product' in the top right corner.

  3. Choose 'Gift Card' from the 'Product Type' dropdown menu and provide the necessary details:

    • Product Name: Specify a name for your gift card (e.g., "Christmas" or "Easter").

    • Section: Select where to display the product (e.g., 'Retail' skips clean and ready pages).

    • Button Image: Add a distinctive icon for easy identification.

    • Overlay Text: Include additional text for staff reference.

    • Order: Set the product's order on the New Order Page.

    • ID / SKU: Assign a personalized ID for Gift Cards.

  4. Click 'Add Product' to complete.

Creating Gift Card Orders in the POS

1. Digital

  1. Choose the gift card product and select 'Digital' as the type.

  2. Fill in the required fields:

    • Customer Receiving Gift: Choose a customer from the database.

    • Amount: Specify the Gift Card value.

    • Gift Message: Add a personalized message.

    • Send Gift: Opt for SMS, Email, or both.

    • Schedule: Set the date and time for sending the digital Gift Card.

  3. Click 'Submit' to set up the digital gift card.

2. Physical

  1. Select the gift card product and choose 'Physical'.

  2. Note the unique code generated.

  3. Add the amount in the 'Amount' field.

  4. Click 'Submit' to process the Gift Card as a regular order.

Pro tip: Find gift card codes and comprehensive details for any purchased gift card in Settings > Admin > Discounts & Promos > Gift Cards.

Redeeming Gift Cards

1. Digital

  • The beneficiary receives an email/SMS on the scheduled date and time, informing them that a gift card has been applied as a credit to their account. This credit will be available for use in their next order(s).

2. Physical

  • Redeem in-store by providing the code during order placement.

  • Staff can claim the gift card:

    • Option 1: From the New Order page, choose the gift card option. Click 'Claim Gift' and enter the unique code provided by the customer.

    • Option 2: After submitting the new order, select 'Gift Card' next to the discount option. Enter the gift card code to apply for the credit.

Both options will prompt a 'Claim Gift Card' module to enter the code and successfully claim the gift card.

Tracking Gift Cards

  • Access details on purchased gift cards, including customer information, amounts, dates, and codes. Navigate to Settings > Admin > Discounts & Promos > Gift Cards for comprehensive tracking.

Gift Cards Online

  • Boost Visibility: Enhance visibility by creating a dedicated section for Gift Cards online in the customer app/web booking tool at Settings > Admin > Pickup & Delivery > General Settings > Sell Gift Cards.

  • Convenient Gifting: Online account holders can easily buy digital gift cards and send them to friends and family. Recipients receive an Email or SMS with the message, and the credit is applied to their account.

  • Gift Cards Rules: The minimum purchase amount is $5, and each customer can only make a maximum of 3 purchases per day for security reasons.

Note: The recipient doesn’t need to be in the store database for the online gift card to function. However, it’s crucial that all the information is accurately set. After purchasing the gift card, the buyer can view the details on the 'My Orders' tab within their customer app/web booking tool account.

This feature is ideal for advertising your store's gift cards. Refer to the GIF below to see how the 'Buy Gift Card' product appears online through the web booking tool:

Gift Card displayed in the web booking tool

💡 Tip

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