Activate Barcode Scanner
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

You can use barcode scanners with CleanCloud to quickly find orders, rack orders and scan heat seal barcode labels.

How to Activate

  1. Go to the Barcode Scanner section at the bottom of the Settings > Hardware page

  2. Enable the “Use Barcode Scanner” option and press the “Update” button.

  3. Now when you scan a barcode that was printed from CleanCloud the software should be able to interpret the barcode


If your barcode scanner does not work when scanning a receipt the most common problem is that the barcode scanner is not submitting an Enter or Carriage Return command after each scan.

If this is the case open up the instruction booklet that came with your barcode scanner and scan the barcode option that will add an Enter / Carriage Return after each scan.

You can test this is enabled by opening up a program like Notepad on your computer and scanning the receipt multiple times. The result you want is a scan on a new line like:


Once enabled try scanning in CleanCloud.

Need Help? Additionally, this article will give you a selection of our recommended barcode scanners, with links to purchase them. If you still need assistance, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.

💡 Tip

Access the Barcode Scanner Troubleshooting help article for more information.

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