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Sending Email Marketing (other service)
Sending Email Marketing (other service)
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

CleanCloud offers a MailChimp integration, which you can learn about here.

If you wish to use an alternative third-party email marketing tool you can export your customer list from CleanCloud using the instructions below. You can then import this list into the email service.

Export Your Customers

  1. Go to the Settings > Metrics page.

  2. Scroll to the bottom to where the Data Export box is.

  3. Select the export type as Customers or Customers with No Recent Orders.

  4. Choose the applicable date period and press Export.

  5. This will download a .csv file that you can open with Excel or Google Docs, and which you can use to import your customer list into your email marketing software of choice.

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