Currently, CleanCloud only offers DoorDash integration in the US and Puerto Rico.
DoorDash Coverage
If you do not see the “DoorDash Pickup and Delivery” toggle within Settings > Admin > Store Settings > Services Offered, that may mean DoorDash is not yet available in your area.
📍 To check if DoorDash is available in your location, you can either reach out to CleanCloud Support or use this link to find out if DoorDash covers your area.
Things to consider:
At the moment, the DoorDash integration has a maximum coverage area of 15 miles from your store address.
When you place a pickup and delivery order through the CleanCloud app or your branded app, it will always check to ensure the customer's address is within the service area before any orders are pushed through.
Coming Soon...
Currently, CleanCloud only offers DoorDash integration in the US and Puerto Rico. Integration in Australia and Canada will be available soon.
💡 Tip
Need more help?
Explore our DoorDash articles for answers. Contact us if you need further assistance.