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How to Set Up an Automated Flow

Learn how to set up Automated Flows in CleanCloud to streamline marketing with custom email sequences, if/else logic, and timed actions.

George avatar
Written by George
Updated this week

Automated Flows are a fantastic way to set up automated campaigns that can follow if/else statements. For the first time ever in CleanCloud, you can now create custom sequences of email actions and conditions. A truly automated way to market and use untapped potential.

Setting Up a Marketing Flow

Getting started with an automated flow is as simple as can be, follow the steps below where we walk you through setting up a simple automated flow campaign with the help of a scenario. For our example, let’s assume that a new customer has registered online. After their registration, I want to automatically send them a welcome email. Then, I want to wait for two days to check if they place an order. If they don’t during this period, I want to send them a 50% coupon (to encourage them to place an order). However, if they do place an order, I want to express my gratitude and send them a smaller 15% coupon.

  1. Navigate to Settings → Marketing.

  2. Once here Locate the Automated Flow section.

  3. Click Create New Flow.

  4. You will now be asked to choose a Starting Event you're presented with three options.

    1. When a customer is created in-store.

    2. When a customer signs up online.

    3. When a customers order is complete.

  5. You will then be presented with the brand new automated flow creator board, displaying your starting event at the top with a line leading to a plus symbol.

  6. Click the plus symbol to show the Update Action window, you can choose from either Sending Options or Conditions and Workflow, in the left hand bar.

    1. Sending Options: How and what to communicate with a customer.

    2. Conditions and Workflow: If / Else statements to check that present with further paths (Yes & No).

  7. In my scenario I want to automatically send them a welcome email, I'm going to click Sending Options and Email, choose the options and save.

  8. My scenario now requires me to wait for two days to check if they place an order, to do this I need to click the + icon.

    1. Choose Conditions and Workflow.

    2. Select the Wait option and choose 2 Days.

  9. Per my scenario I'm now going to perform a check to see if the customer has placed an order.

    1. Click the + icon.

    2. Choose Conditions and Workflow.

    3. Select If / Else, and choose, Order Count, under Customer Attributes.

    4. For me I want to know if the customer placed an order since signing up or not, so I'm going to choose Greater than or Equal to 1.

  10. You will now see a Yes & No branch appear in the creator dashboard.

  11. For the No branch were going to:

    1. Select the + icon.

    2. Select Sending Options → Email as were about to send the customer their 50% email to encourage them to place an order.

    3. Write the email you'd like them to get as well as setting the call to action appropriately.

  12. For the Yes branch were going to:

    1. Select the + icon.

    2. Select Sending Options → Email as were about to send the customer a thank you email paired with a smaller discount to promote further actions.

    3. Write the email you'd like them to get as well as setting the call to action appropriately.

Key Words and Definitions

Automated Flow

A campaign with a set of rules that allow you to run quietly in the background with little intervention.

Starting Action

The trigger point of the Automated Flow.

Sending Options

How you wish to contact the customer, these will trigger a customer communication.

Conditions and Workflow

Usually, if-else statements are used to create different paths, which can be split into YES and NO nodes.

Additionally, there’s an option to use the Wait function to introduce a delay between stages.

If Else Statements

Most commonly resulting in Yes and No branches, allowing you to make a path for each individual outcome.

Call to Action

A piece of content intended to induce a customer to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive. E.G Place Order Now.

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