Invoice Styles
Rafael Cardoso avatar
Written by Rafael Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

You have the option to customize your invoice style and group the line items by Order, Products, or by Order and Products. To view these options please head to Settings > Admin > Payments & Finances > Invoices > Invoice Style and select from the dropdown.

Let's now take a look at what the different options will look like in your customers or business account invoices.

Group by Orders:


As you will see below, when you choose to group by orders, the orders are itemized by order ID, date, the order summary and price.


Group by Products:


As you can see in the group by products invoice style we have removed the order IDs and added a line item for each product with the quantity, the price and the total.


Group By Orders and Products:


Using the Group by Orders and Products style will include the order IDs, date and each product line by line with the unit price and total.


Invoice styles allow you to customize your customer and business account invoices. Take your time reviewing the above options to decide which would look best for your business.

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